Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Christina Rossetti

I've always been very fond of reading, poetry included (though I doubt that I always understand it, though the words sound pretty). Today I started reading some poetry by the 19th century poet Christina Rossetti. I read her poem "Goblin Market" and it made me wish dearly that I had a sister who was as wonderful as Lizzie in the poem (but I will make do with my brothers I suppose). You can check it out at (photos from
Check it out and tell me what you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts or your favourite poet/writer. I think my all-time favourite poet is either e.e. cummings or Yeats. Not that I understand either of them.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Canada Day

Hey everyone. Sorry for the long break since my last post, but I've been busy helping my parents move for the past few days (and awaiting my payment of new clothes on Saturday). I took today off and spent some time with my boyfriend and went and saw his dad's new apartment. Being that I'm from Canada, I just wanted to say happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians! I went up on the hill near my house tonight to watch the fireworks, but the stupid buildings of downtown were in the way. Oh well, the Calgary Stampede starts on Friday, so there will be fireworks for ten nights in a row coming up, so I'm sure I'll be able to get my fill. (photo from

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hello my name is...

Hi everybody, Meg here. So I just started a new blog Chocolate Chip Cookies and Tea (two things I enjoy very much). I actually have another blog (Puddingandpie) that is devoted to fashion (another thing I enjoy), but I wanted another blog that could be more personal, so here we are!

I'm generally terrible at introductions to myself, so instead I think I'll give a short and sweet intro and then leave it at that. I'm 19, entering my 4th year of university in the fall with a degree in ecology. I love riding my beautiful horse (Scarface) and also enjoy reading, writing (hence the blog), fashion and playing board games (yeah, I can b a little childish but I'll kick your butt at Connect 4). So yeah, thta's me in the corner of a nutshell.

One other thing you'll learn about me sooner or later is that, like most university students, I can be a bit of a procrastinater. For example, I have a final exam on Saturday afternoon, yet here I am starting a brand new blog. So, basically this is what I should be doing:

and this is where I wish I could be spending my time (my backyard):

Speaking of my backyard, the flowers on one of my bushes opened today and it was so pretty, i wanted to show a picture of that too. Unfortunately, it was very windy today and a bunch of the petals blew off, which is very sad.
Anyway, that's all for now. Lots of love!